Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Daughter Has Green Yellow Discharge

Ricordare la verità:"Italiani nel vero"

I do not know who has repeated the last time, but it is a common message in all places where agglomeration "experts" of every kind of communication: "A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth." Because of political views tend to assign this ominous statement to Nazis or communists. The point is that the ominous statement belongs neither to one nor the other but is made for common use by many, many peaceful and democratic individuals who, simply through the dissemination of nonsense tend to profit for themselves, rarely, most commonly for its own, as it were, subject mantenente, insomma padrone.
Qualche giorno addietro, 27 di gennaio, giornata della memoria. Oggi, 10 di febbraio, giornata del ricordo. Tra le due date due settimane e sulle due date si consumano le menzogne più banali e volgari e si consumano anche sulle due date. Il presente costruisce il passato per giustificarsi.
La radio nazionale, quella della rai e anche le televisioni, per non dire dei film ra ccontano il 27 gennaio come la data della liberazione di Auschwitz da parte degli alleati. Dovè il falso? Semplice, chi liberò Auschwitz il 27 gennaio fu l'Armata Rossa che, per prima, arrivò pure a Berlino. Il carro armato entra nel campo di concentramento dando forma al sogno del bambino che si salva nascondendosi ovunque nel meraviglioso “La Vita è bella” di Benigni. È un carrarmato con la bandiera a stelle e strisce e Benigni vince l'Oscar. Eppure il carrarmato che entrò ad Auschwitz portava la bandiera rossa e la falce, martello e stella … ma il caro Roberto se lo sognava l'Oscar se avesse rispettato la storia.
Poi le Foib e, qualche decina di migliaia di persone massacrate dai titini alla fine della guerra. Tanta gente innocente buttata nelle grotte carsiche … Tutto vero. Vorrei però riportare un brano del discorso di Benito Mussolini sulla questione istriana:
« Di fronte ad una razza inferiore e barbara as the Slavic do not follow the policy that gives the sugar, but that of the stick. [...] The frontiers of Italy should be the Brenner, the Snowy and the Dinaric: I think we can sacrifice the Slav barbarians 500,000 to 50,000 Italian "
The speech is well above the racial laws of 1938 that some wag tends to define as a result of the pact with Hitler. Mussolini says these things in Pula in 1920, when he still had to establish the National Fascist Party. I'd like that on the day of remembrance of Foibe is also remembered the crimes committed by the Ustasha and two geographical names: Rab and Gonars . We have to get rid
the biggest lie of our history: "Italians good people", the only way we become conscious Italians. Hundred and fifty years after the breach of Porta Pia, perhaps it is time that the aspiration of D'Azeglio is the target for the next fifty years.
I know that I live in the country where the head of the school system is a lady who went through school keeping all orders of neurons uncut: a perfect robot that carries out the orders over, live in the country in which the speaker of the meritocracy phrase "on average stat virtus" think only of their thighs; live in a country where Parliament says that making laws against the slackers and then extends the leave because he has nothing to do, live in the country where the hoes have a mobile phone and the Prime Minister can call when they want, live in the country where it was called aimed to change that which has elected failed, pimps, crooks and lobbyists of every stripe to before whom the dwarves and the dancers of the worst Craxi make the shape of the Nobel prizes.
But I live in the country of the workers who got up in the morning and throw blood in the foundries and factories in the country of those who get on the sites and every time he comes home he is happy to have saved the skin of employees forced to alienating work and mocked, women's and men terrified by a dark future, pensioners who see the country crumble for which they have fought, I live in the country of so many people to know that he needs, I believe, truth. To feel Italian. To feel proud Italians, with so much weight on his shoulders but also hard enough to take the bend without schiena.di Pino De Luca


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