Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Pensiero culinario: Seppia,Verza, Vapore e...Vino

It happens rarely, but it happens that a friend wants you honor of a gift. And friends know the tastes of friends and then you get a box of a beautiful white Piedmont area of \u200b\u200bGavi. A friendly 100% to label Podere Saulino. I will not judge this delightful dry white, which has received many awards and does not alter my opinion adds nothing to the crest of the label. I think the best way to honor him is to create a dish that reveals its not so much fruity incipit, both those they leave immediately, because the scent of bitter almond odor and taste that dominates when it is terrible but when it is in background is as capable of enhancing the feelings of the papilla and the aftertaste.

So we are close to the days of the blackbird, in a few days is fishing for squid in February and reaches for a couple of months, its culmination. We need a squid (or two) of fresh and not small size, say a 25-30 cm long, head included. If there are also two of 15-20 cm. Then we need the fillets of sea bass or cod or hake, say 150 grams and two tablespoons of ricotta. Salt, black pepper and a dozen peeled and toasted almonds. Finally, the leaves of cabbage.

separated black bag without breaking the cuttlefish, Sepia keeping it clean for the entire well. Wash and dry inside and outside.

Mash the fish fillets with the ricotta, the black of cuttlefish and almonds. Salt and pepper the mixture to be smooth and compact. If it turns out too thin thicken with a tablespoon of breadcrumbs and toasted.

With this mixture fill the squid, taking care to fold the long tentacles (unless you've already eaten them raw as I do) within the body. If we did a good job we can put the squid with the belly open on a cabbage leaf and place another leaf on the back of cabbage, put everything in the steamer and steam for about ten minutes, even fifteen if necessary. In fact, the more cooked cabbage leaf means that it is cooked well as sepia.

Serve on a bed of curly endive salad and accompany with steamed carrots. Season with a drizzle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Some comments are necessary. If the squid is not allowed to miss this fresh preparation. For the filling is fine frozen fish. The ricotta can be substituted for the cream, because the ricotta should also be fresh.

Who does not love the cabbage salad leaves can be used but does not know that you lose.

Here, I think this excellent Gavi has found good company, and I a good dinner. (Pino De Luca, new daily di Puglia "La Dolce Vita")

Sunday, January 23, 2011

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Pensiero poetico

This step

Devote as branch
many curved snow
as cheerful bonfire
to the hills of oblivion,

sharpest blades on

in white mesh nettles,
'll teach you my soul,
this step farewell ...

Cristina Campo

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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L'opinione:Vicolo cieco in Medio Oriente di Noam Chomsky

While it is committed to expand illegal Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory, the Israeli government also seeks to address two problems: a campaign of international opinion that Israel considers a "discredit" - that is, criticizing his crimes - and a 'Other Campaign parallel legitimacy of Palestine.

The "discredit" has taken a step forward in December, quando Human rights watch ha invitato Washington a “ridurre i finanziamenti a Israele per una cifra corrispondente al costo del sostegno israeliano agli insediamenti”.

L’organizzazione ha chiesto anche di controllare quali contributi esentasse versati da gruppi sta tunitensi a Israele finanzino violazioni del diritto internazionale. Anche il processo di legittimazione ha compiuto un passo in avanti a dicembre, quando Argentina, Bolivia e Brasile hanno riconosciuto lo Stato di Palestina (Gaza e Cisgiordania), portando a più di cento il numero delle nazioni che lo sostengono.

Secondo il giurista internazionalista John Whitbeck, l’80-90 percent of the world population lives in countries that recognize Palestine, while only 10-20 percent live in states that recognize Kosovo. But because the U.S. recognizes Kosovo and Palestine, the media around the world deal with two realities in a totally different way.

Given the scale of Israeli settlements in the West Bank over the last ten years, says that an international agreement based on a two-state solution is impossible (even if most of the world thinks otherwise). So who cares about the rights of the Palestinians should hope that Israel occupies the West Bank and then an anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa face type to get full citizenship the Arab population.

This argument assumes that Israel would like the annexation. Instead it is more likely that Israel wants to incorporate a good half of the West Bank, without assuming responsibility for the rest.

So solve the "demographic problem" - too many non-Jews in the Jewish state - and in the meantime, cut out of the besieged Gaza from the rest of Palestine. But the analogy between Israel and South Africa is interesting. Once created apartheid, white South African nationalists realized that they were becoming a pariah state by the international community.

In 1958, the foreign minister informed the U.S. ambassador to the UN condemnation would not matter as long as South Africa had had the support of the United States.

During the seventies, the UN imposed an arms embargo, followed by boycotts and divestment campaigns. South Africa reacted with the specific intent to anger international public opinion, with bloody military raids in refugee camps in neighboring countries. The similarities with Israel's behavior today is impressive. Just think of the attack in Gaza in January 2009 and the freedom flotilla to Gaza in May 2010.

When Ronald Reagan became president in 1981 and assured full support to apartheid South Africa. And in 1988 the African National Congress of Nelson Mandela was called by Washington "one of the most notorious terrorist groups."

Shortly after, however, U.S. policy changed. The United States and South Africa realized that their financial interests would be advantaged by the end of apartheid. And so the system quickly collapsed. South Africa is not the only recent case in which the end of U.S. support a crime has led to significant progress.

A change may also occur in the case of Israel? Among the obstacles più consistenti ci sono gli stretti legami militari e di intelligence tra gli Stati Uniti e Israele. Il più esplicito sostegno ai crimini israeliani viene infatti dal mondo degli affari. L’industria high-tech statunitense è connessa con la sua controparte israeliana e in questo campo la collaborazione è strettissima.

Inoltre in ballo ci sono fattori culturali importanti. Il sionismo cristiano precede di molto quello ebraico, e non è limitato a quel 30 per cento di americani che crede nella verità letterale della Bibbia. Esprimendo un punto di vista già allora diffuso nell’élite statunitense, Harold Ickes, segretario agli interni di Franklin Delano Roosevelt, descrisse la colonizzazione ebraica of Palestine as a goal "unprecedented in the history of the human race."

There is also an instinctive solidarity of the United States to a society founded on settlements, viewed as a replica of American history from a perspective of imperialism.

Per uscire dall’impasse è necessario abbattere l’illusione per cui gli Stati Uniti sono un “onesto intermediario” che cerca di riconciliare tra loro avversari recalcitranti, e admit that real negotiations should be conducted with Israel and the United States on one side and the rest of the world on the other. If the centers of power in the U.S. citizens will be forced to recognize the Palestine much hope that today seem remote may become feasible. (Trad.A.Sparcino from

Thursday, January 6, 2011

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La Befana di Massimo Troisi

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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Arriva la Befana...

a few days, the old lady who dispenses good gifts to good children and coal to ash and it takes away the bad boys' holidays Christmas ". Another year ended, the best wishes for the next exchanged, gifts as well, and even some big blowout.

I have the privilege of knowing many people, all of us assembled on different steps of the social scale, some other top top down to bottom. Some happy to have received some sweets and a bottle of rose apple or Brindeasy (this year I gave only products of Salento), others have appreciated a Donna Lucia of 2006 or Devoutly 2000. In

everyone, but in all, there is a common denominator: the party has fully but with an eye to tomorrow. Concern and insecurity are the common denominator of my ca

mpione reference. In some cases without too much anxiety justifications.

I write and say so many, too many of tomorrow is more a problem than a hope

. He even reminded the President Napolitano getting the usual, pointless, tedious ecumenical praise. A national community that has gone through the long season of selfishness (almost thirty years) individualist, and now, faced with the enormous problems that the normal development poses, she feels helpless and fragile.

And he understands that it is not a perception. The company rewrote the vocabulary, which invented the disabled and the visually impaired, the Lodi and such failure, the company relocated and creative financing in the name of all that progress by the progress of the individual who knows the story of the real and perceived is a dance for fools. He knows that the problems are not perceived but real. Proceed against nature, by individuals rather than society, unaccustomed to the collective work, the sacrifice of a part of for the common good. How to read differently NIMBY, or the protection of corporate privileges very hard to eradicate?

The old lady riding a broom takes away the holidays and I'll haunt the latter remnant of relaxation dig up a horrible year and the beginning of that horrible. Only some old and some young dumb DUMB courtiers burst of cocaine continue to say that all is well Madame the Marquise.

We knew that it had not, we were not believed then, we av

uto the time to try to enunciate an exit strategy. As usual there are several. The first and simplest of all, it's a beautiful war between men who face 3 million to 400 million deaths (as a percentage of the population was that of World War II ) and that free space, t

Rascina towards recovery of the survivors with their loads of optimism, resources to be shared and theories on peace and for all that much depopulate after a terrible conflict, and so diminish the memory of the past.

Street that would also be viable were it not that you are not able to know which way we are victims ...

Then there is another path, that of a war between future and past, of a conflict between perm

anente repairs that needs to be done and the damage that has been made. Reconstruction of a serious environ

environment, conditions of social and economic life of the people on the planet. Of research and technology to expand to improve the lives of all rather than the domain of a few.

The good road is not difficult to understand, it includes more than us approaches to happiness. More it excludes the greater the spread of suffering . I'm not a saint. Only a simple deduttore: suffering produces anger and rage produces violence. If you choose the path of confrontation and domination, perhaps using weapons and power, you should know that this does not last forever, then we should not complain if you go end up hanging upside down.

The world's resources in a lifetime, are limited. If we give them the opportunity to renew to satisfy even those who come after. We must consume resources at a rate less than or equal to that with which you play and you have to distribute in a more equitable, questo è tutto. Esiste un capitalismo capace di fare questo? Trovatelo, altrimenti, se il capitalismo è quello che conosciamo la Befana porterà qualcosa e ma non si porterà via le preoccupazioni. E potrebbe accadere che, fra qualche tempo, la Befana porti caramelle ad alcuni e corda saponata ad altri ... ( Pino De Luca )

Monday, January 3, 2011

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"La speranza è una buona prima colazione,
ma una pessima cena"
