Monday, July 2, 2007

Riding Motorcycle Butt Pain

Send an email to Damian: Do not think the staircase, think young

Una cartolina, una email, una lettera, un fax. Se arrivassero migliaia di messaggi al ministro del Lavoro [...]

Thursday, June 14, 2007

What Good Side Dishes With Venison

Grey bloc, fight for the part-time (it also says Prodi)

Giovani e part-time, se ne parla sempre di più. Ma non sono i giovani che ne hanno bisogno, sono alcuni anziani, che a 60 anni non vogliono diventare pensionati, ma non possono neanche più produrre agli stessi ritmi di prima. La proposta di Prodi andrebbe presa al volo: «Bisogna lasciare maggiore libertà nella scelta to retire, but above all necessary that those who decide to remain at work can do graduating commitment: working part time, a few hours a day, but even a few days a week. " The Prime Minister, Romano Prodi, wrote the preface to "2007 National Report on the Status and the thought of older people," promoted by ANCI Federsanità and Ageing Society and presented today at the Luiss .. "This, among other things - added Prodi - would help to manage without the frustration out of working life." On the other hand, if the elderly will be one third of the company in 2050, as it is possible that at that age are all retired? In Italy on 1 January 2006 over 65 were 11,615,702. According to forecasts, by 2020 the elderly will be more than two million more in 2030 and reaching almost 16 million: for each "grand old man" (85 years and over) the ratio will increase from 1 in 50 people every 20 to 1. In addition, the Italian population in 2050 will be composed of 33.6% from over sixty-five and 12.7% of young people under 14 years. In old age - the report points out - the poverty is still a considerable problem: it was estimated that the cost of health resulting in an increase of about 10% of the actual poor. And it is worrying - points out the Centre for senior citizens - that about 15% of Italian families with an elderly person has indicated did not have enough money for medical expenses and that a family of three is not able to support unforeseen expenses. Within a decade (1996-2006) there was an increase of health costs borne by the families of nearly 35%. It is clear - the report concludes - that this is a situation difficult to sustain for vulnerable population groups, especially the elderly, since the purchasing power of pensions has been significantly reduced in recent years. Then force "gray bloc, fight for your part-time.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

How To Change Rook Piercing

Grey block the streets in defense of pensions and pensioners

Today National Day for the fight of pensioners. Took to the streets throughout Italy duecentomila pensionati per chiedere al governo di alzare le pensioni più basse e, (secondo me almeno altrettanto importante) occuparsi dei non autosufficienti. A Roma però ci sono stati quelli che eufemisticamente si chiamano momenti di "tensione " tra manifestanti e polizia. Non sarà, che di fronte all'avanzata del potere grigio (almeno come numeri, se non ancora per influenza, ma aspettate e vedrete...) ora tramonteranno i black bloc (avete visto con Bush, hanno fatto il solletico) e ci sarà l'avanzata dei "grey bloc"? Avanti popolo con una vita in più!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Colonial Payment Pregnancy

Dragons: raise the age of retirement from work

Pensionati, pensionandi, futuri pensionati, non c’è scampo. Il lucido speech by Mario Draghi, governor of the Bank of Italy, is a verdict. Your improved living conditions also require that you work more ...

"It is necessary to increase over time the average effective age of retirement, also to maintain an adequate level of processing '. said today the Bank of Italy Governor Mario Draghi, in his closing remarks on 31 May. "You have to apply - he adds - the installation of the system introduced in 1995. Strict and timely application of redress mechanisms provided under the current legislation is essential, "adds relating to the updating of coefficients. In 2005, Draghi said there were 42 ultrassessantenni per ogni 100 cittadini in età da lavoro. «Ve ne saranno - aggiunge il Governatore - 53 nel 2020, 83 nel 2040. Queste tendenze - dice Draghi - si rifletteranno sulla spese per le pensioni, la sanità, l'assistenza. A noi spetta la scelta se abbattere il peso del debito nei prossimi 10 anni, prima dell'accentuarsi dell'invecchiamento, o aspettare: accettando però profondi cambiamenti nel sostegno che la società sarà in grado di assicurare ai più deboli».

Organizzatevi la vita di conseguenza.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Template Membership Form

doubled in 25 years

Domani l'Istat presenterà il suo rapporto annuale, ma sugli anziani sono stati anticipati alcuni dati, presented in Rome at the convention Federanziani. Writes, the Ansa news agency: since 1980 the presence of the elderly in the Italian population has grown enormously: the over sixty increased by 50%, reaching a population of 12 million units in 2006, compared to 8.5 million 25 years ago. Most of them, approximately 45 percent, he feels healthy. "Older people are an important part of our society - said Robert Messina, president of Federanziani - but they feel useless, humiliated and exploited. There is no longer a culture of family and solidarity between generations. Italy is last among developed countries to focus on pain therapy, and almost two million older people with injuries are difficult to spend up to € 250 per month for medical care. " Fortunately, the health of the elderly Italian are discrete, since 45% of our own grandparents feel healthy. However, the percentage drops significantly with each passing year, reaching 25 percent in the over 75. According to data presented about 76.5% has only one disease and only 34.6% have a chronic health. Among the most prevalent disease is osteoarthritis or arthritis (18.3%) and hypertension (14.2%). The cancer is less fear and in 2006 there was a decrease in deaths from this disease, at 1, 5% for men and 0.3% for women. But the controls osteporosi and periodicals for mammography for women older than 40 are not yet an established practice. "We put the elderly - said Messina - at the heart of programming and care of the national community. For this we have a program of ten applications, including the increase of integrated home care services, the establishment of a voucher for the specialist services that allow access to private hospitals, the total reimbursement of dressings for wounds and difficult informed consent for antipsychotic medication. "

Saturday, May 19, 2007

What Color Shirt And Tie With Grey Suit

flier does not age

The Italian drivers are older than 60 years. Reached questo limite di età non possono più volare, mentre sui cieli di molti altri paesi si vola fino a 65. Ora l'Enac, l'ente per l'aviazione civile, sta per portare il limite a 62. Dal gennaio del 2008 uno dei due piloti presenti in cabina potrebbe avere fino a 62 anni. I tempi cambiano. D'altra parte io che avevo un padre pilota, militare, ricordò che lui andò in pensione a 55 anni, proprio in quanto pilota.
Il presidente dell'Enac, Vito Riggio, ha rivelato che già oggi molti piloti italiani, andati in pensione all'età di 60 anni, vengono reclutati da compagnie straniere "Negli ultimi tempi - dice il presidente dell'Enac - abbiamo dovuto concedere deroghe a volare a piloti italiani assunti all'estero e che per noi sono pensioners, who could not operate at our airports. "For the anxious, the reassurance: will be increased checks and medical views on ultra comandabti boomers: the welfare of drivers and their passengers.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Russian Models Vs Brazillian

No, the coefficients no! Hello

Rage, so to speak, the debate on pensions. The unions are threatening strikes, Prodi assures everything will work out. The same says Damiano, Minister of Labour. However, before the driver aut: to review the coefficients and then lower pensions or raise a bit 'retirement age and work a few years older, Italians prefer the latter solution. Swg He says a poll to be published by' Espresso domani: per quasi due terzi degli italiani l'importo della pensione che si riceverà è più importante del momento del ritiro dal lavoro. E se il 48% degli intervistati sostiene che il Governo deve evitare lo scalone (il passaggio nel 2008 da 57 a 60 anni per l'età di accesso alla pensione di anzianità a fronte di 35 anni di contributi) c'è un 37% che chiede di applicare la legge Maroni e un 15% che «non sa». Il 31% degli intervistati (800 persone il campione) ritiene che il sindacato non deve cedere sull'innalzamento dell'età pensionabile, mentre la maggioranza assoluta (il 53%) chiede di non cedere assolutamente sull'importo delle pensioni e quindi nella sostanza sulla revisione al coefficients downward. 59% of those surveyed is available to raising the retirement age to 60 years (but other options were in demand on raising to 63 and 65) and nearly half of respondents believe that women should have the same treatment men (58% of men and 43% of women.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Milena Velba Final4ever

If you see a proof of the revolution fifty years

The fifties and sixties are under double attack. Triple attack. On one hand, complain that their young people to be over-secured at work ( while young people are not), accuse them of wanting to maintain at all costs the levers of power and create a gerontocracy (see provocation to commit the politicians to leave at a certain age). On the other companies to oust them (because they are too expensive and less flexible than young people). And finally, the state wants the pension system weighed less (by reviewing the calculation coefficients and raising the retirement age). Just as well that are generally in good health, full of strength, and bearers of skills that still serve businesses and themselves. It is also noticed
Massimo Gramellini the Press today, in one of his masterful "Hello " of 30 lines. Accepted that the ' over 50 you begin to feel an outcast, Gramellini well known that this character difficult acconcerà is only to accompany their grandchildren to the park. And then you look around and try to come up with another job, "this time in black hose or even to be competitive with the twenties.." I only have doubts about the conclusion: "If the elixir of eternal youth that was, you know that scam," says Gramellini which also begins to see (from afar) the target of 50. But I ask, better to go to the park, perhaps without even the grandchildren and little money in his pocket for the next 30 years? Then inventiamoci something else.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Indian Women Are Hairy

I started this blog talking about a revolution. The revolution of life at most, of increased life expectancy, the exponential growth over the "door" in society and the world of work ....
"It's a revolution - if you do not want to succumb to-be faced with absolute realism, adequacy and timeliness." Writes today on Messenger Antonio Golini, a demographer, a piece that must be read and meditated. It also criticized. Why you can not just think that we continue to do the same job, perhaps to suit the arduous and boring life and then, after 60 years, nothing ever goes Avantic ome up to 65 or 70 or more. It 'clear that over the door will also have to find ways to recycle, to change, to live a new season.
Today began the meeting of government and trade unions around the famous "table" on pensions. Padoa-Schioppa called for courage on behalf of pensioners and even the most disadvantaged, especially the young. He can give the wrong, but you can not ignore.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Bombay Waxing Memphis

Pensions, part of the deal. (E eye to Germany)

Tomorrow, the government opened the "table" discussion with the unions over pensions. On the table that there are several points, including the famous "staircase" of the Maroni reform, the revision of coefficients for calculating the pension and retirement ages (including one for women). In the background is continuous and inexorable increase in life expectancy, which presses on the system as a huge mass of water up a dam cracked already. Anyone wishing to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow they settled abroad, can read the analysis of this case Germany, where they were made several reforms in recent years, most recently in 2001 and where the key point is the retirement age to 65 years, subject to a number of incentives and penalties for those who want to advance or postpone the time of going to sleep.
Here is a piece of the study published today by :
"In Germany pensions are generally paid at 65 years of age, but you can get up early or work longer and receive a pension at age more advanced. Before 1992, the adjustment of benefits retirement age was only implicit, was through the number of approved years of service. Since the reform of 1992, 65 years old are considered the "cornerstone" for the calculation of retirement benefits. For each year of early retirement and up to five years, pensions are reduced by 3.6 per cent (in addition to the effect of the child years of service). The 1992 reform also introduced rewards for delayed retirement in a systematic way. For each year of deferred retirement after 65 years the pension is increased by 5 percentage points in addition to the increase "natural" induced by the growth of years of service.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Bitter Almond Ffpa Fcc

Women, pension double-edged

can not be a taboo, the retirement age for women. But we must be realistic, take care of children, the elderly, the sick, they must be recognized, or at least should be provided to them an alternative if they are asked to work harder. This is the gist of some arguments, the hypothesis, to raise the age for women to more than 60 years. The Press reported today on Chiara Saraceno, a sociologist and scholar of the Status of Women.
I was particularly reflect his reasoning: "The lengthening of life expectancy is not just about the fact that you can work longer, but also the fact that it is more likely that workers in mature they are faced with questions of care of the older population. "I myself, in favor of a measure of justice and equality, such as raising the age for women who live longer, I had to stop and think on this: the increase in life expectancy also means that older people live longer and, inevitably, get sick more and have more need of assistance. We must not forget that.
The other side of the coin then is to ensure better services to families (which often means women): "Investment is needed - adds Saraceno - all or a substantial portion of what is saved by raising the retirement age of women in services di cura sia dei più piccoli che delle persone in condizione di salute fragile e di non autosufficienza". E' giusto quindi che la parità sia a doppia faccia e che tutta la società se ne faccia carico.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Firewire 800 Ethernet Converter

discounts to pensioners in view of the heat

Della serie "buone notizie". Piccolo indizio di ciò che attende i baby boomers che andranno in pensione: lo sconto per chi ha più di 65 anni anni, mercato in crescita tumultuosa, gruppo detentore della più vasta ricchezza della storia dell'umanità, già da anni sul tavolo degli uffici di marketing. Il Pinguino De Longhi fa uno sconto del 30% a chi ha superato una certa età.
E' vero che i pensionati vengono spesso tosati senza che possano scioperare, protestare in alcun modo. Ma è anche vero che già sono e sempre più saranno una lobby potente, capace di influenzare le scelte politiche e anche, già adesso, quelle del mercato. Non a caso lo slogan del Pinguino è: "mandate il caldo in pensione", sottinteso: e voi godetevi la vita, altro che pensionati...

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Plan B Price At Walmart

The fourteen eighty scuttle

Hanno scritto: è la fotografia di un paese "vecchio" quella che ci consegna l'Istat...vecchio o longevo? Sicuramente la popolazione over 60 diventa sempre più una fetta importante, una vera e propria "lobby". I giovani, invece, sono una rarità: i ragazzini fino a 14 anni sono appena il 14% del totale. Tra 50 million Italians, however, one in five has more than 60 years and over eighty now chasing in the standings fourteen. The population amounts to exactly 58,751,711 people, up 0.5% compared to 2005. The resident population to 26.5% in the northwest, to 18.9% in the Northeast to 19.3% in the Centre, to 24% in the South and the remaining 11.4% in the islands without significant changes over the previous year. Growth was particularly strong in central and northern Iraq, while in the South was equal to zero and in the islands was only 0.1%. Again, are immigrants who have contributed to increased population, making it grow to 260,644 units. Al January 1 2006 the population aged 65 and over amounted to 19.7% (almost one out of five) against 18.7% in January 1, 2002. Increases, similarly, the population 80 years and over, accounting for 5.1% of the total, or a resident of 20. The population of young people up to 14 years in 2006 but dropped to 14.1% of the total, against 22.6% in 1980. Consequently, increased the ratio between old and young, up from 58% in 1980 to 140% in 2006. The aging population is a process extended to all areas of the country, although the phenomenon is particularly advanced in the center-north, where the population over 65 exceeded 20% and with 80 years and over 5%. In the South, young and old are numerically more fairly balanced, but with a clear trend towards further aging process. How many people with a life more ...

Saturday, April 28, 2007

How To Wax My Private Area

As we see young people

All young people are convinced that we should make pension reform. Virtually everyone: 90%. He says a study presented a few days ago by Confcommercio, and conducted on a sample of 80 people between 18 and 35 years. They are convinced that the system would be adjusted as soon as possible, otherwise the risk of collapse, that will mean no more pensions for themselves and future generations. The points on which the good sense of who still is not a party to the dispute are: 1) age (many are che ritengono equo andare in pensione ben dopo i 60 anni); 2) il rapporto tra previdenza pubblica e previdenza integrativa, con l'intervento di fondi e assicurazioni che provvedano là dove la pensione pubblica non potrà arrivare. A fronte di queste opinioni, sono molti i giovani che temono di arrivare a non prendere nessuna pensione. Chi oggi è un po' più avanti con gli anni, benché abbia delle legittime aspettative sull'età del pensionamento, dovrebbe riflettere.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Substitutes For Charcoal

sad story of a pensioner who did not want to surrender

A volte la voglia di lavorare, di continuare a lavorare, è talmente forte che non c'è niente che possa fermarla: l'età, i familiari, il rischio. Questa è la history of Vincenzo Piccirillo, stubborn worker aged 73, who died after falling from an attic where he was working this morning in Naples. But his story to show that you can not work to 73 years, says only that there are people who want to do it, and do not necessarily need to be, but simply as a hobby. It's not fair that they should do 'black':
"He had a good pension of about € 1200 a month, but was stronger than him, wanted to work," says the son-in fact, Bizarre. Piccirillo was an employee of a company until 1994 and then retire and start his own business, accepting small works in black. In the historical center of Naples had participated in many renovations Brancaccio, including those of the library a few meters from the place where he died. In that area was respected for his work and was often called to perform work. He had three children, had been a widower for ten years, had six grandchildren, who - family stress - much loved and devoted their entire time he was not busy at work. "Do not talk about work at home because his daughter was contrary to the fact that he could continue the work - adds the son - joined the national association was disabled on the job, but did not participate in community life, just wanted to keep working." Fiat Panda in the red with which this morning had arrived in Naples from the town of Marano, work tools, a bucket for mix the lime and un'agendina. Everything leads back to his work as a construction worker, for which he has spent a lifetime. Drama for family members rushed to the scene, as well as son, brother and son Louis, the moment of recognition. The man was lying on the ground, he fell from his head and died instantly. He was working on the third floor of a building at number 6 in Vico Donnaromita, was standing on the ledge, holding a working tool, perhaps used to demolish a wall to be restored. Suddenly he lost his balance, dropping the tool in his hand, over the balcony on the first floor of the building. With him, probably, other working people, and possibly of Polish nationality o comunque dell'Est Europa, che subito dopo la disgrazia si sono dileguate.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Helwan Egypt Grand Hotel

retire tardi? "No, suicidatevi direttamente"

Mentre in Italia scattano i soliti riflessi condizionati (per cui se si dice "donne in pensione più tardi" , subito i sindacati "alzano gli scudi" e il ministro del lavoro smentisce), ma per fortuna c'è anche qualche ministro donna, come Linda Lanzillotta, che dice "parliamone" (intervista sulla Stampa di oggi), in America esce un pamphlet, "Boomsday", che, provocatoriamente, suggerisce all' esercito di baby boomers pensionati, di suicidarsi. In effetti, nel mondo sta arrivando uno tsunami, che travolgerà in modo diverso paesi occidentali e paesi del terzo world: it is called longevity, but it is also called an avalanche of elderly persons living "behind" the few young people. Maybe it will be more devastating climate change.
"Corriere della Sera today Massimo Gaggi summarizes the plot of this book written by Christopher Buckley (author already Thank you for smoking) in 2010, facing the army of former baby boomers retiring, forcing the government to continually raise taxes on the work of young people, the revolt broke out. The young rebel and attack the villages and homes of the elderly. Until a young blogger, as a joke over 70 offers to commit suicide. It is taken seriously by a cynical senator from Massachusetts ... The issue in America is warm the hearts and the charts of the books.
We, meanwhile, wearily we wonder if by chance a woman of 60 years could not start, perhaps deliberately, as proposed by Linda Lanzillotta, Minister for Regional Affairs, to delay the exit from the work of a few more years.
But Italy is already closer than others to "boomsday" because we are already the country with the highest average age of the world! Says Robert Samuelson, quoted at the end of the article on Corriere: "We are committing a crime and economic policy towards our children and perhaps - s and young people reject the role of designated victims - even to ourselves."

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Can You Play Pokemon Monopoly Online

Ragazze, in pensione a 62 anni? Ma il ministro smentisce

Since we all live more (and women in particular), secretly for several years, some say that the retirement age for women should be raised gradually until it reaches the level of men. Let's be clear: as long as it lower I am happy, and as everyone will take advantage of (hopefully)! But is it right? Now it turns out, write today and Roberto Giovannini Teresa Pitelli on La Stampa, that the government "is considering raising the retirement age for women to 62 years, giving a year more in contributions for each child. This would be a "gradual reform, not implemented by decree law, and launched in exchange for compensatory measures. For example, the granting of a year's notional contribution for each child up to the light, or a more favorable pension calculation. It would certainly be a major change in Italian society. Traditionally, the most favorable treatment provided to women has no basis in objective career and pay penalties. However, women have a longer life expectancy, and recently the European Court of Justice has expressed doubts. Among the hypotheses that switching to 61 years from 2008, and reach a height of 62 years from 2012-2014. In government there is not unanimity, but the consensus for reform 'soft' form a majority. There's yes Emma Bonino and Linda Lanzillotta, would also agree Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, the majority agrees Tiziano Treu (Dl). The very cautious Labour Minister Cesare Damiano wants above all to avoid a possible negative reaction of the unions, but the Ministry of qualified sources confirm that 'is a hypothesis of the study'. It is said, finally, that despite the 'no' prevalent in the CGIL, Guglielmo Epifani, leader is in fact available. Everything will be discussed at the table-labor government, which presumably will close after the local elections. If the agreement will be reached in June could also reach the decree to implement the content. "
But Labour Minister Cesare Damian was quick to intervene: "We have no plans to raise the retirement age for women." Right?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

How Much Do Hair Extensions Cost

Non autosufficienti, un terremoto in arrivo

When you feel good, no one thinks of becoming reliant. It seems, for a long time, an absurdity. Instead, the numbers tell us that the tsunami is coming. We are the country that already has the highest percentage of elderly, the figures swell year after year, and in 2040 the ratio of active workers over 65 will double, reaching a total of 46%. Many, some, but many of those over 65, are not self-sufficient, and to help serve, according to the OECD, from 3.5 to 5.3% of GDP. Negli altri paesi la media oscilla tra il 2,8 e il 4%. L'Italia totalizza sempre qualche rec ord negativo! Ma anche se non fosse un record, il problema è enorme e tutti i paesi si devono attrezzare per affrontarlo. Ovviamente chi non speri nella fortuna o, ancora più infondatamente, nello Stato, potrebbe pensare di farsi una polizza assicurativa. L'Isvap, l'istituto che controlla le compagnie assicurative, suggerisce delle polizze collettive per i lavoratori. Per le assicurazioni una montagna d'oro, l'equivalente, facendo le debite proporzioni, dei fondi per le pensioni integrative. Lo Stato, oltre all'età della pensione per gli over 60 che sono in forma, dovrà preoccuparsi presto anche di quelli un po' più avanti negli anni who need it. Today's Corriere della Sera, Economy Minister Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa said that, like Odysseus, must be tied to not hear the sirens calling the status quo: not changing anything for essre not unpopular, then you think to the future. But our future is not far away.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Testicles Hurts When I Sit

Ricchi e anziani, una torta molto ghiotta

Mister Feikema at age 90 he lost his wife. He is blind and needs someone to take care of him and his interests. He decides to join the group Elder Service, which deals with the clientele of wealthy local bank Wells Fargo. In Minnesota, the United States. Mister Feikema, so has someone who handles his business and he can live in peace. It 'an example of what will happen more often in the future, reminds us The Economist: "In January 2006 the first of 77 million American baby boomers has turned 60. Many of them remain widowed (or, more often widows) and will need someone who take care of them and their savings. " It is estimated that worldwide over 55 possess about 70% of the total wealth. A beautiful cake. So here we are throwing local banks such as Wells Fargo in Minnesota, and Citigroup, the largest banking group in the world. Even in America many banks now offer dumb "down", ie loans secured on the possession of the house. When the owner dies, the heirs have to sell and repay the loan. Although not always, probably, I'm happy. In Italy the market is much less wild, and do not think anyone would commit the most comfortable place to live the last years of his life at the expense of their heirs. But the "elders" have a significant economic power (if only for the number, which in Italy is higher than elsewhere) is a fact. More and more services for the elderly will be a business on which to run. The same "old", yet the Economist tells us, are hired by certain companies and banks to deal with this special clientele.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Backyard Wrestling 2 Song List

Amore e sesso

Maybe I'm young and still have anxieties about sex. Or at least those 40 years you still feel the "children". Why a survey on sex over 60, says that one in three make love "often." Lucky them. Unless there is a misunderstanding of the word "often "....! However, according to the research of the Italian Society of Sexology, presented at the conference on the elderly under way in Rome, more than half of men over sixty says he's still in love (in the photo image of the film Last Tango in Paris). The problem is: for whom? The women of the same age who say they have this huge one in three: more and more realistic, girls! For all the attraction in the pair is still important, but more women who busy themselves to live up to. The men let themselves go a bit 'more (maybe more confident about their skills, "nature"). Viagra and the like are out for 88% of women and 83% of males. The eroticism is strictly excluded from (???) 46% of men and only 30% of women. And love or attraction to someone younger? "Never," answers 65% of women. While the men on this succumb to vanity and also to the truth, "often" or "always" 42% of males are attracted to a younger person. Read more .
However, the sex is essential for that "extra life" waiting for the boys and girls over 60.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Best Between Carl Zeiss And Sony Lenses

In pensione per farsi riassumere

Increasingly in the United States, retirees devote themselves to work, rather than to cruises and grandchildren. In Arizona, a school has set up a thriving business by hiring new teachers who retired. In Chicago, the mayor has allowed the head of the firefighters went into retirement and then give him a contract as security chief of the city. And of course the income flies, because they sum the board with the new salary.
"Double-dipping" is the term used by the Economist, the British weekly, for this practice. How to explain this expression? I am reminded of one that makes a "shoe" in his plate and also in the pan. Why not? In some U.S. states this double income is prohibited, but not all. A New York public employees can return to work the day after he retired now, but the new salary is under one roof. The Economist is also my question: why an aging society, and that soon will have too few active workers to maintain the army of pensioners, should fear that someone possesses this dual role (employee and retiree)? The double-dippers have earned a pension and now you earn a salary. In most pay taxes and contributions and help to alleviate the problem demgrafico. Or not? The Economist

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Bathroom Sealant How Long To Dry

Lavorare più a lungo?

is retiring at age 58 on average. But the newly retired are not as happy to stop working. Who would like to continue to do so for a few more years. The men and women interviewed by Censis (a research institute) say they would stay at work until 62. They are always averages, but they understand that the pension for many "can wait" as our blog and the title as the title of an article today the Republic, which anticipates the search Censis.
interesting to note that 34% of respondents said that it would be right to retire between 61 and 65 years, and many believe that women be treated debano. Recall that on average women live longer than men!
What do they think those who retire. Only 57% believe that the period of well deserved rest is "beautiful and pleasant. The others consider it confusing. Remedies? Engage in new activities, volunteering and especially rich and maintain good relationships with others. Easy to say.
At this About me point out a beautiful book, which then may tell more in detail the way it is "Everyman" by Philip Roth.
link to the site

Monday, April 9, 2007

Jergans Natural Glow Before And After

Qualcosa è cambiato

Those who make account of what has changed the time horizon of life in the last forty years? Chi oggi ha 50 o 60 anni ha vissuto la propria infanzia in un periodo in cui l'aspettativa di vita era di 65-70 anni massimo. Mai avrebbe pensato di arrivare a questa età e di sentirsi ancora così giovane: il tempo si è "allungato" di quasi 15 anni. Adesso l'aspettativa di vita è ben oltre gli 80 anni. Chi nasce oggi, addirittura, ha un orizzonte temporale di circa 100 anni. Una vera rivoluzione.
Nel lavoro questa è l'età in cui si comincia a pensare che, prima o poi, ci spetterà una pensione. Eppure quasi nessuno di noi si sente pronto a fare il "pensionato"! Non c'è bisogno di esortare i cinquantenni a pensare a se stessi come ancora giovani: per molti questo è il momento in cui, finalmente, si can begin to do and be what you always wanted. But how to achieve it? This may not be clear to everyone. E 'on this that you have to work, devise new strategies for growth in a time when our parents were pulling their oars in the boat. Examples, stories, information, perspectives, ideas here I'll try to find out and tell all that can be used to build new trails. To live a life more.