Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Similar Online Game To Scattergories

Sal: boccioli di rosa per un cuore

The second "lesson" of the sal Lella is over

This time it took me a few minutes to complete the leaves ...
(Actually, I'm green, but the light of these days is not the best ... they look like gray!)

forward to the continuation, but still remain some ! Other projects in the pipeline for me, for him and the other (?????)....

A presto

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Ghetto Haircut Toronto


Island should be a citizen of Diesel: you always look beautiful with jeans, you can swim with beautiful boys, they live peacefully without pollution or war or hate *.
And without nuclear power.

Being Citizens of Diesel Island is great beautiful you always wear jeans, you can swim with beautiful guys, you live Peacefully without pollution nor wars nor hate *.
And without nuclear power.

* see videos HERE and HERE if I do not believe are very strong!
* watch the videos HERE and HERE if you do not believe me, they're super cool!

backstage pics from the Diesel campaign

I know that you expect to hear about so these parts but you can certainly ignore what is happening in the world. My thoughts today go to Japan, the people who died and those who are still alive, fearing for their lives and future lives. Click little is better than doing nothing, call from fixed or send an SMS to 45500 to donate € 2 to the Italian Red Cross. Info Larger donations can be found HERE .

I Know That You expect me to talk about fashion But I can not ignore what's happening in the world. Today I'm turning my mind to Japan, to Those Who Died and Those still alive, and who fear for Their Lives for the unborn. Please donate All That You Can!


Short Yellow Running Shorts

Lavori terminati - finalmente!

E' stata una settimana mooolto impegnata...
Ho approfittato delle belle giornate (prima dei diluvi di questi due giorni e dei prossimi) per portare Federico all'aria aperta...e ne abbiamo viste di cose!!!
Tra giretti al parco, passeggiate carichi come muli di ritorno dal supermercato e la sua prima "camminata" in montagna la settimana si  conclusa con tanti lavori sul tavolo, ma nessuno portato a termine.

Complice il brutto tempo oggi sono riuscita a completare qualche lavoretto arretrato e un portaforbici che se ne stava in stand by da circa due settimane!...

Da dove cominciamo?

Cucimpara #2 e a mia insaputa #3

Dopo aver pensato alle immagini per il mio memory stoffoso ho disegnato e tagliato il tutto sul pannolenci.
Per non perdere tempo mi son messa a cucirli già sul jeans scelto e tagliato nella prima puntata del corso di cucito semi-serio organizzato da Linda .
Cosa ho scelto?
Una stella, un fiorellino, una macchinina, un dado colorato, una chiocciolina e una farfalla.
Ecco il tutto...

Altro lavoro terminato il mio portaforbici ...
Stanca di lasciare in giro forbici da ogni parte e non trovarle quando servono mi sono inventata questo astuccio dove raggrupparle per averle sempre a portata di mano...

Infine mi sono iscritta al Sal: boccioli di rosa per un cuore   organizzato  da  Lella di "Creare per Hobby"

Ho terminato la prima tappa ed ora aspetto le altre indicazioni per proseguire la creazione del cuore con le rose.
Ecco cosa ho realizzato per ora:

Speriamo che la settimana continui ad essere così produttiva...

Buona evening (or bedtime) to all of you.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Estelle 35 Ed Contraception


Every time I wear this coat I feel très chic. It will be the color or its clean ma mi piace tantissimo. Lo scorso pomeriggio ho deciso di abbinarlo a questa cintura in pitone vintage e sono uscita...per poi innamorarmi di due o tre cosine ipercolorate da Zara :)) Giuro che la prossima volta le provo, sempre che non spariscano magicamente!

Every time I put on this coat I feel très chic . It may be the colour or its clean shape, I really like it. Last afternoon I matched it with this vintage phyton belt and I went out...then I fell in love with some Zara items :)) I'll try them on the next time, providing they won't magically disappear!

I was wearing: GROUNDS Coat and Shoes, H & M Pants, Vintage Belt, Bag Accessorize, ASOS Ring ( HERE )

Friday, March 11, 2011

Images Of Female Toddlers


You may have read what they say around the streetstyle Milan during fashion week (or maybe you were there and you said you!): jumble of heads, color block failed badly, exaggerations at full blast. In short, it seems that we are all transformed into potential clones of Anna of Russia (or Lady Gaga). Luckily I'm here to do the whole herb bundle!

Maybe you read what people say about the streetstyle During the fashion week in Milan (or maybe you just stayed here and Said this!): jumble of clothes, color block Turned out bad, exaggerated outfits. It Seemed everybody Transformed into potential Anna of Russia (or Lady Gaga) clones. But I do not want to tar everybody with the Same Brush!

I saw horrible things, it is true (check out the gallery of Style.it , out of curiosity), but also a lot of style. Clutch colored python clutch, fashion editors the best ever *, vibrant colors and models rock. Here's what I liked:

I saw horrible things, it's true (take a look at the Style.it gallery , if you're curious), but so much style too. Coloured clutches, python clutches, amazing fashion editors*, bright colours and rock models. Here's what I liked:

*Taylor Tomasi Hill, è ufficiale: TI AMO
*Taylor Tomasi Hill, it's official: I LOVE YOU

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
pics from Angy's Tea Room, Carolinesmode, Garance Doré, Mr. Newton, StockholmStreetStyle,
StreetTonic, Style.it, Style.com (Tommy Ton)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Images Of Upper Dentures

L'opinione: "Ipocrisia"

Because the people of peace to the streets against Gadhafi? Probably because the Libyan leader is not the real problem. Europe and the United States needs to Gaddafi and other dictators the region. 17 percent of the world population uses 80 percent of the planet's resources. The tyrants that they already orni are killed have been reliable partners and valuable members of right-wing governments and left, FARM of large and small, banks and companies p etrol EFERENCE . Have provided relatively stable prices and reasonable terms in exchange for money (if themselves) and military and political support. To do that have oppressed their people. Prevented from voting, to speak, to learn, to go to school, to work , to move, to live a decent life. For years, millions and millions of people suffer a form of coercion that any European or American would not stand for more than a minute. But before taking to the streets against Gaddafi, we should complain to those who so far has done business with him. We should explain to those who govern us do not accept any more hypocrisy: Stop with the dictators who starve their citizens to heat our homes. Are we ready? Giovanni De Mauro ( by internazionale.it)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Morphine For Dementia

Cuore di Mamma - per riconoscere i miei lavori

The more attentive of you have noticed here ....

Have you not noticed??

Then you're not very careful ....

Well, I forgive you .... you can rifarvi looking right at the bottom below ....

Questo è quello che avreste dovuto vedere...

Sono i miei "riconoscimenti"...
Un etichetta con un disegnino che spero renda l'idea di "Cuore di Mamma"...e un  cartoncino per ricordare che i miei lavori are "done by hand "....

will now accompany my creations ...

This week is pretty full ... and the work should be started slowly ...
But be patient ...
next week I can show you something ...


An Invitation Wordings Of 35th Birthday


Yesterday took me to Monsieur Paternopoli (AV) where for 30 years celebrate Carnival with floats and dances. I had fun and I took lots of photos ... but cold! The sun was about 3 degrees and my feet have risked freezing *.

Yesterday Monsieur Took me to Paternopoli (AV) , a small village where Carnival has been celebrating for 30 years with floats and dancing. I really enjoyed and took many pics...but how cold it was!! There were 3 degrees with the sun and my foot risked a frostbite*.

*ricordate di non indossare mai scarpe sfoderate e con la suola sottile quando andate in montagna d'inverno!
*remember not to wear unlined shoes with a thin sole when you have to go to the mountain in winter!
I was wearing: Coat Bershka, Zara Pants and Bag, Scarf no brand, made in Italy Boots, Ray Ban Shades