Saturday, March 5, 2011

Godmother Christening Card

Macchinine handmade per i bimbi

L'altro giorno guardavo Federico giocare con la sua prima macchinina e....

Perchè non provare a realizzarne una io?
Ho messo insieme un po' di idee e di schizzi e mi sono messa all'opera...
stoffa, needle, thread, wire, straws and caps, plastic ...

The first is always the first toy car .... is never perfect ....

to cover the wire used for the wheels I used two bottle caps .... but they have proved unreliable and too large for the toy car ...

After this first test I went back to work to improve and make a second ...
A single cap and a bit 'of felt to cover the wires, less fabric to make it a central bit' smaller ... et voila ...
The second is much better!

(stay away from the wire hot glue ....).... what do you think??

Want details? here ...

The wire inserted nelle cannucce permette alle ruote di girare e far viaggiare la macchinina....

Viaggiate con noi???

A presto


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