Thursday, March 10, 2011

Images Of Upper Dentures

L'opinione: "Ipocrisia"

Because the people of peace to the streets against Gadhafi? Probably because the Libyan leader is not the real problem. Europe and the United States needs to Gaddafi and other dictators the region. 17 percent of the world population uses 80 percent of the planet's resources. The tyrants that they already orni are killed have been reliable partners and valuable members of right-wing governments and left, FARM of large and small, banks and companies p etrol EFERENCE . Have provided relatively stable prices and reasonable terms in exchange for money (if themselves) and military and political support. To do that have oppressed their people. Prevented from voting, to speak, to learn, to go to school, to work , to move, to live a decent life. For years, millions and millions of people suffer a form of coercion that any European or American would not stand for more than a minute. But before taking to the streets against Gaddafi, we should complain to those who so far has done business with him. We should explain to those who govern us do not accept any more hypocrisy: Stop with the dictators who starve their citizens to heat our homes. Are we ready? Giovanni De Mauro ( by


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