Friday, December 31, 2010

Is It Normal To Have Hair Around Cervix

Buon anno e ..."mintiti senzu"

E anche questo San Silvestro sta per spegnersi, il suo tramonto segna l'acquisto di un calendario again and, after extensive and user-friendly libations, the exchange of greetings among friends and relatives near and far for a new beginning and hopefully luck and serenity.
memories and promises abound in these hours, the memories are many and, individually, scoured by the promises of the same period last year. Each, in his way, he lied. A self before others and then, a Catholic, it is forgiven with great mercy. It's part of our cultural baggage to take into account the hair of others rather than your stake, and little or nothing we can battle against Mr. Hide nell'inane us staying inside.
But forgive and promise to find better piuttosto che legger solo bene di ciò che siamo stati. Troppo breve è la vita per sprecarla infliggendosi continui colpi di cilicio.
E allora via con le promesse nuove, anzi esageriamoci, più grandi e colorate di prima, anche più guascone. Che ne so: “ l'anno prossimo compro una casa a Monte Carlo o a Saint Lucia, oppure a Roma, vista Colosseo. Il 2011 è l'anno della svolta, in tre giorni ripulisco quel pezzo di giardino dalla immondizia che rischia di tracimare nella casa del vicino. Prometto che aggiusto la pompa sommersa che s'incanta e che, ogni volta che piove, mi fa allagare il garage seminterrato .”
E da buoni italiani già pensiamo a chi attribuire la responsabilità per non aver potuto ottemperare all'impegno nonostante gli sforzi. E, contemporaneamente, ci autocelebriamo per aver dato ragioni non banali alle conversazioni delle prossime vacanze natalizie, quasi piccati perché nessuno ci ringrazia.
Ormai appesantito dagli anni quasi come dai chili, non trovo più interessante farmi delle promesse. Oroscopi ed aruspici, chiromanti ed indovini li trovo molto divertenti nella loro goffa e redditizia aura di severità dalla quale sentenziano sensazionali idiozie. Trovo divertente che la quasi totalità della popolazione sia preda delle affabulazioni di personaggi al limite del guaio che ciarlano di trigoni e quadrati, di sestili e case come vecchi Caldei e novelli veggenti.
Trovo interessante, ad esempio, cercare le ragioni per le quali menti umane di QI di media dimensione siano capaci di appassionarsi anche morbosamente alla tragica fine di una fanciulla di quindici anni e se ne strafottano di un ragazzo di diciotto anni terminato a colpi di lupara semplicemente perché si trovava al momento sbagliato nel posto sbagliato. Eppure i due fatti accadono a meno di mezz'ora di auto uno dall'altro e, temporalmente, a meno di tre mesi di distanza.
Fa paio, quanto sopra, con la convinzione generalizzata che ciascuno sa far tutto e meglio quando l'evidenza di ogni giorno è che ogni cosa viene fatta male o semplicemente postponed.
It is all wrong and everything to do again, for heaven's sake, the optimism of the will is the engine of life but we can not do a little collective effort?
goes well with the promises, hopes and exaggerated self-absolution, bad luck and the opposition of Mars, the cycle of the Maya and the unexpected volcanic eruptions, but together we may all, implore the unmoved mover, ask the everlasting possession any name, make sacrifices to the forces of nature, even bother Masau'hu, Trinity Arta Kama and Sashtra, Vishnu, Kali, and the souls of the dead for 2011 to be a bit 'more generous with good sense for everyone?
The dear, old, legendary common sense that is putting things a bit 'in their place, perhaps no great special effects, without illusions and without bluster from sellers of miracles. Maybe a little 'boring in its simplicity but able to restore a human dimension to what is happening around us.
The old common sense to return to the Sardinian shepherds the chance to live decently in their work and for us to enjoy "in casu" properly done. The old common sense that do produce oil, bread and wine according to the hygiene standards laid down by the pundits but also according to the rules determined by a thousand-year history.
Common sense che ci fa diffidare da chi sbraita le sue ottime ragioni spiegando che per secoli abbiamo sbagliato ogni cosa, il caro buon senso che ci fa fare la domanda giusta: se l'umanità avesse davvero sbagliato tutto per millenni come si spiega che è sopravvissuta?
Il buon senso che ci permette di mandare a spasso chi promette di moltiplicare pani e pesci senza avere l'umiltà di essere il più inutile dei servi.
Io questo chiedo al 2011, buon senso per tutti e per me, un desiderio proprio privato: un vino nuovo, salentino naturale e incapace di viaggiare. Inesportabile.
Un rosato secco e appena mosso, che nel colore ha catturato la luce del sole che si tuffa nello Jonio prima di sera in un giorno d'estate, che al naso faccia sentire l'odore di rosa canina e le note di agrumi. Di gusto fresco e sapido come la spuma delle onde dell'Adriatico che sbattono sulle scogliere di Novaglie spinte dalla tramontana.
Un vino brillante capace di accompagnarsi con una forma di primo sale e delle fave fresche.
Me lo immagino, da consumare all'ombra di una pergola, di pomeriggio, al tepore del sole di maggio. Un vino giovane e gaglioffo che impalmi una sposa speciale: la polpa dei ricci di mare consumati in piedi vicino ad una bancarella nel mercato di Gallipoli una mattina d'estate.
Questo io chiedo nel 2011, amici che love the earth and that made your legs in the cellar.
The Mini Fut is what helps us to go over the daily idiocies, for 2011 I ask a wine called "Senzu", is to revive hope in the future.
I am sure that here in this land can be born "Senzu, can it be born and when someone says" Mint senzu "will not only be an invitation to reflect, but also to share a glass.
Happy 2011 to everyone, a new year knowing that the dreams of a holiday soon forget them, but keep the hope that they can remember us. (of Pino de Luca )

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

15 Inch Chrome Reverse Wheels Rims

Buon Natale

the very few casual readers of this blog my best wishes for a Merry Christmas ...

Click to listen to the notes ...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Manhattan-free Draiver

Curiosità:Rigatoni o zite? Qui la forma è sostanza

Hundreds of pasta shapes, if we go down thousands of small cupboards in the extraordinary local pasta. Each format with its name and its history. Unable to determine the father of a format, let alone the godfather.
But etymological classification approaches can RLA.
The oldest term is lasagna, direct derivation of "Lagana", or strip.
Now we have the following vermicelli, the tryah, so named for their shape long since done manually, even twisted.
-like string, longer and thinner because derivatives of previous sections, the spaghetti.
The ziti dish was the "promise di matrimonio” perché festeggiavano un fidanzamento (per appunto gli ziti) e come augurio di prolificità al matrimonio: gli zitoni
Paccheri e schiaffoni sono onomatopeici, è il rumore di quando cadono nel sugo.
Rigatoni e millerighe , cugini magri dei paccheri per il bordo tanto zigrinato da raccogliere il massimo del condimento.
Poi i nomi da similitudine con oggetti d'uso comune: ruote, anelli, crocette, anellini, fettucce .
Da similitudine con parti del corpo: lingue e linguine, capellini, orecchiette, elbows, tortellini (navel), eyes and curly .
From similarities of nature snails, butterflies and moths ago and rfalloni, mussels, cockles, wolf eyes, eyes, elephant, apple seeds, melon seeds, pepper berries, slow, celery and sedanini, rosemary .
And here the similarities with clothing: trenette (small lace), bibs, sleeves and short sleeves, ridges, boots, ribbons, feathers, gloves and buckles .
Then geometric shapes: bricks, tubes and tubettini and tubettoni, cannoli, cannelloni and canneroni .
Events Historical Geography: Tripolini and assabesi linked to Italian colonialism in Africa. Mafalda , mafaldine, daisies names of queens of Italian kingdom.
From faith and paternostri Hail Mary (which takes the cooking time of prayer ...)
Fedelino instead I have nothing to do with faith, but because they absorb a lot of water on their behalf derives from the "fad" which means to grow.
And then the forms fusilli, tortiglioni, propellers ; The manufacture with the blade: maltagliati, noodles and noodles .
of pens and smooth or ribbed penne is easy to see the source.
Advance gnocchi and bucatini are affected by the form in the first case and the pattern of consumption in the second.
We're not here to explain but, as you might guess by the variety of names, the pasta is extraordinary creativity. (Of Pino de Luca)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cartoon Bigbooty Gallery

Sentimenti: Volere bene

" I love you "is a molto scrive sempre e a chiunque.In realtà volere bene,amare è una cosa molto seria, talvolta è anche doloroso.
Sono molte le volte che non si dice e non si scrive,ma si vuole bene nei fatti,in silenzio,dietro le quinte,in punta di piedi, tanto che non se ne accorgono,talvolta per distrazione, nel peggiore dei casi perchè non ce ne vogliono.Volere bene è saper donare con il cuore,considerare il cuore non solo un muscolo,ma la scrigno del più bello dei sentimenti: l' Amore , in tutte le sue accezioni.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Trophy Truck Building


"Se uno di noi, uno qualsiasi di noi essere umani, sta in questo momento soffrendo come un cane, è malato o ha fame, è cosa che ci riguarda tutti. Ci deve riguardare tutti, perché ignorare la sofferenza di un uomo è sempre un atto di violenza, e tra i più vigliacchi."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

How Much 8 Pearls Worth?

Il bunga bunga che segna la fine di un regno di Eugenio Scalfari

Le recenti cronache dell'Italia berlusconiana che raccontano l'ennesimo scandalo ormai generalmente etichettato "bunga bunga" mi hanno lasciato al tempo stesso indifferente e stupefatto.
L'indifferenza deriva dal fatto che conosco da trent'anni Silvio Berlusconi e sono da tempo arrivato alla conclusione che il nostro presidente del Consiglio rappresenta per molti aspetti il prototipo dei vizi italiani, latenti nel national character along with the virtues that certainly are not lacking. We are hardworking, patient, adaptable and hospitable.
But even smart, victims, boastful, anarchist, intolerant of rules, comme Dianti. Selfishness and generosity are facing and so transforming and consistency, contempt for the institutions and feelings of patriotism.
Berlusconi has the undoubted ability and perverse that it evoked the worst instincts of the country. The latent defects have emerged on the surface and have polluted the entire national society driven back into the bottom of our best part.
has been set in motion a genuine process of mass miseducation that has lasted for thirty years using the Modern communication technologies and defacing the thinking of individuals and institutions function.
Scandal "bunga bunga" is just yet another confirmation of this education on the reverse. Therefore it has nothing surprising to me.
Since he started his real estate business with money of mysterious origin, as with the support of Craxi built his television empire by ignoring the repeated rulings of the Constitutional Court, as the party-organized company on the ashes of the First Republic worn Corruption became the system of government.
In turn, those ashes, the Berlusconi regime has become the system or if you prefer: a power that had promised to modernize the country, less bureaucracy, the market operate freely, reduce the tax burden equitably, sbaraccare the confraternities and reestablish the state.
The program was ambitious but it was implemented in a small part in the eight years of right-wing government which in fact it must add the two last Prodi government in which the weight of the opposition in the country was overwhelming.
But not only the program was in fact a dead letter, the worst happened. It happened that the program was contradicted. The system-system modernization has been anything but a liberal, anything but a coherent vision of the common good.
For ten years, the institution "government" has pursued The sole purpose of defending the person of Berlusconi by the measures of justice for the many crimes committed by him and his companies before and during his entry into politics. Meanwhile, the institution "Parliament" has been subservient to the executive and the judiciary is daily bombarded with insults, threats and pressures that have also cut down on the Constitutional Court, the CSM, the Authority and the Head of State guarantee.
the "boss" and his vassals have tried and are trying to build up a material which is anchored on the premise that the chief derives his authority from the people's vote and is therefore over-ordered with respect to any power to control and assurance. This
ha avuto il sostegno di quell'Italia che la diseducazione di massa aveva privato d'ogni discernimento critico e che vedeva nel Capo l'esempio da imitare e sostenere.
Il cortocircuito che questa situazione ha determinato nel carattere di una certa Italia ha fatto sì che Berlusconi esibisca i propri vizi, la propria ricchezza, la sistematica violazione delle regole istituzionali e perfino del buongusto e della buona educazione come altrettanti pregi.
Non passa giorno che non si vanti di quei comportamenti, di quella ricchezza, del numero delle sue ville, del suo amore per le donne giovani e belle, dei festini che organizza "per rilassarsi", degli insulti e delle minacce che lancia a chi non inalbera la sua bandiera. E non c'è giorno in cui quell'Italia da lui evocata e imposta non lo ricopra di applausi e non gli rinnovi la sua fiducia. Leggi tutto ( da )

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Is The Best Kind Of Nitrous

L'opinione:" True environmentalists in Brindisi "

Il panorama della campagna tipica di quella che fu detta “fascia colonica” muta rapidamente. I filari di vite e gli ulivi secolari fanno spazio a piantagioni di pannelli fotovoltaici a rapido accrescimento, le strade interpoderali e anche quelle provinciali vengono sventrate per calare i cavi che consentono ai venditori la distribuzione dell'energia prodotta.
Ogni tanto qualche sparuto convegno di ritardatari cronici cerca di parlare dei “mali di questa cementificazione selvaggia” dopo aver sonnecchiato per anni and broadly endorsed the choices when they were made.
Some of complicity, connivance for someone, anyone to distraction and a lot of laziness. The "protesters the day after" mark their presence in positions now useless and good only for smearing daily them and give interviews.
The next step will happen in the land of Brindisi is the incineration of waste in power and in particular in central Frederick II of Cerano, impersonating as CDRQ and reducing the CDR, of course, the use of coal. Someone will cry victory for reducing coal and a few others for helping to solve the problem of waste. For the first guai, i medesimi: pigri, conniventi, complici o distratti faranno convegni e organizzeranno manifestazioni e grida.
Il fatto è che tra tutti gli “ismi” possibili qualcuno pensò di appropriarsi di quello ambien tale, quasi che nel genere umano qualcuno potesse divincolarsi dal rispetto delle regole di natura e porsi al di sopra di esse. E così è nata l'innaturale divisione tra chi è ambientalista e chi dovrebbe appellarsi “deturpista” ma non lo fa preferendo termini più soft: industrialista, sviluppista, o, semplicemente, paraculo. Una divisione che sostanzialmente conviene a tutti. Gli ambientalisti prendono una identità che, in qualche modo, garantisce visibility and reason for existence even in small minorities, and others continue to quietly do their own business having the force of power and a bogey to shake.
And in this way, the Brindisi area has been battered since the chemistry of industrialism, the primitive design of a development (sic) that has corrupted the land, air, water and soul of this small area the planet.
consciousness that have lost their honor and pride, that they sell so much per kilo depending on the interest immediately. How do we explain the silence on the torch that lit the skies of the city over and over again in the deafening silence of the authorities responsible for security business, trade unions, ARPA, and "environmentalists" of every kind? I know that someone has said, written and spoken voice imparagonabilmente but lower than that still used for other events.
Now the judiciary has intervened on surveys of Digos that are "in-depth and detailed" technical discussions carried out with impeccable logic and cleanly. We are in the same situation that had to happen with the traffic of hazardous waste which saw the public prosecutor in Reggio Calabria Read more ... of Pino De Luca

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How A Kilo Fat Looks Like

Musical interlude:" Remember me "

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Watch Korean Movies Online

Citazionismo ....

"The poor in spirit say I should have a golden throne inlaid with mother of pearl and legs of ivory, and I wonder why he chose instead a simple wood cedar deodara.Si says that this wood has a thousand years and has seen the birth and death the city. Wood whispers stories of warriors, masters and principles, and compact enough chiederglielo.Forte deodar cedar, but remember that only one match can destroy it, as well as a life a thousand events and millions of memories can be turned off in a second. " (from "The blue book", James A.Levin pag.22-23 Piemme)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cancerinspirational Quotes

important issues: Justice and Vote

Il problema è un altro. Così affermano, sempre più spesso, coloro che hanno fatto dell'arte di schivare le responsabilità un vero e proprio metodo di galleggiamento.
Qualunque tema venga posto all'attenzione c'è sempre un altro problema più importante e propedeutico.
E invece le cose vanno affrontate. E di petto. Il tempo del cincischio e del tentenno è abbondantemente scaduto.
E le cose che sono sul tappeto sono due: la questione giustizia e la legge elettorale. So bene che vi è l'economia, il insecurity, the environment, war, global warming, biodiversity, ethics reports / biology and the law on adoptions by gays. But there is nothing more urgent than the question of justice and the electoral law. Only by addressing
with determination and resolve once and for all these issues can be addressed peacefully all the others, from whatever angle you leave.
And on the electoral law must be re-introduced the principle of "Election Talk ent" absolutely essential to the respect of the Constitution. Parliament should be elected rather than appointed, although a tattered nation like Italy would give us even as flowers or Borghezio Dell'Utri. We have been in Parliament fascists doc, mafia occurring, support terrorism, porn stars and broke in each category. But elected by a people who recognized himself in them. It is for the policy to find the best way to give back the people the opportunity to elect their representatives and, after having done so, throw in the experience of the landfill "porcellum" no regrets.
And then the question justice. I read some of my work on the small provincial newspaper. Speeches of prominent figures in politics as a profession. I also read books and certainly not important people of tacciabili retropensieri and small conveniences or connivance. Yet even the great minds escape the problem, not the face. In Italy there is a justice issue because there is a big issue criminal. How do Italians know we have reversed the problem, hiding behind rhetorical conveniences.
Italy has for many years to solve a big crime issue. It is a country of gangs, criminal organizations have always had contacts in the political power at every level. And for this reason they are called gangs, otherwise we would not have had to create the 416-a, there would be enough to just 416.
And the gangs want to use political power as a field of battle, moving with great wit and moving their checkers. Why Mafias are not alone, have never been alone. They could always count on the complicity and connivance with elegant and refined minds, capable of directing the political currents and consensus.
and the Vulgate of the past twenty years, in the foolish attempt to "restore the primacy of politics" gave rope to a story upside down, to oppose the "guaranteed" to "justicialism" interpreted a bit 'amatriciana. We guarantee only ever brought up when the rich and powerful protection concerns when you forget to be involved were the poor. Specifically
. When the current President of the Council opened, and has done so since 1993, the question of justice had nothing to care about the freedom of the Italians, innocent victims persecuted. Just had a heart for his freedom. Simply because all the legal proceedings of Berlusconi before his descent into the field as he likes to say. He has no complaint even for a pin (and it would be due, at least for the 643 and 661 of the Criminal Code) since in politics. He ruled for about ten years with the sole purpose of saving the loot accumulated by a process whose clarity is that of the New York sewer when TV programs are very boring. To save
has aggregated swarms of small and large coastal robbers who have had a lot to do with the judges but always as imputati e raramente come vittime o parti lese. LEGGI TUTTO di Pino De Luca

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cover Wood Raid Fogger

The answer arrives on time ...

In the town of Chieri (Turin), the Minister of Education Joseph Pellegrino during a city council made a statement puzzling: "Out of people with disabilities from school " the story, described in detail by journalist for La Stampa, Federico Genta you can read QUI

La risposta all'assessore arriva dal " Gruppo mamme H " ed è riportata di seguito:


I nviata con r/r

All' Assessore all'Istruzione: Giuseppe Pellegrino, comune di Chieri , per conoscenza al Sindaco di Chieri e ai media.

Non troviamo le parole adatte per esprimere l'amarezza e la delusione che ci ha pervaso nel leggere l'articolo pubblicato dal quotidiano La Stampa che riportava quanto da Lei dichiarato in una assemblea del suo Consiglio Comunale: < fuori i disabili schools .>
At first we thought it was a provocation to bring the institutions that she is now raising the issue improcrastinabile integration and education of children with disabilities, which in recent years has made dramatic . But alas
read the whole article we realized that this was only his thoughts.
Councillor would like to explain that diversity is a fundamental value for a company that includes, but sometimes, as in this case, the diversity has been described as a curse, which hurts everyone who is in contact.
What's missing people, is the training, knowledge, the culture of diversity, especially in the institutions you represent.
The school shows the way of starting to learn to live in a diverse, accepting and respecting the rules, the opinions of others, and even more important to consider the different color of skin, religion and physical and mental state, as an opportunity growth.
His tenure institutions, would allow this, instead of embarrassing the Government to which it belongs, and disdain for people who have always believed in equality and respect for life!
She has been shown to protect the rights of "all", and it is unacceptable that a department should take so considerable, having expressed opinions of extreme intolerance and bigotry, which even his denial during a press conference on September 25 has cleared giving a sign of incompetence and inability to play its role, does not know the law 104/92, law 67 / 06, The UN Convention? And that is why we are asking the public
We would like to remind you that there is a disability of the soul, heart, and thought she was Deputy Mayor in this severely disabled, and those are not the reasons why we ask for his resignation!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Clever Running Sayings

Physiology: Sneezing in the sun ...

Anche se lo facciamo tutti, i ricercatori non sanno esattamente in che modo il sistema nervoso coordina uno starnuto. E le cose si complicano per alcuni starnuti particolari. La letteratura medica racconta di persone che starnutiscono quando si eccitano o hanno un orgasmo.

Sono noti i casi di una famiglia del Kuwait i cui membri starnutiscono ogni volta che sono a stomaco pieno, e quello di uno studente di medicina che starnutiva ogni giorno alle 8.20. Più comune, ma poco spiegato, è lo "starnuto riflesso fotico", cioè that runs to many when they are exposed to strong light, like that of the Sun Not everyone is subjects, there seems to be a genetic predisposition. The hypotheses on the origin of this reaction are different. Some focus on the trigeminal nerve, but the only theory that explains all the strange sneezing involves the bulb, a part of the brainstem.
stimuli activate the response of a parasympathetic nerve controlled by the bulb, when the light hits our eyes, the pupils contract. Are we excited increases blood flow in the genitals. They are all automatic responses, parasympathetic. Like those who urge us to sneeze normally. In some people there would be a bit 'of confusion in the bulb, and the light that makes the pupils contract scares even a sneeze . (from New Scientist,

Friday, August 13, 2010

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(Click to listen to the tune "In the summertime " )
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