Sunday, October 31, 2010

How Much 8 Pearls Worth?

Il bunga bunga che segna la fine di un regno di Eugenio Scalfari

Le recenti cronache dell'Italia berlusconiana che raccontano l'ennesimo scandalo ormai generalmente etichettato "bunga bunga" mi hanno lasciato al tempo stesso indifferente e stupefatto.
L'indifferenza deriva dal fatto che conosco da trent'anni Silvio Berlusconi e sono da tempo arrivato alla conclusione che il nostro presidente del Consiglio rappresenta per molti aspetti il prototipo dei vizi italiani, latenti nel national character along with the virtues that certainly are not lacking. We are hardworking, patient, adaptable and hospitable.
But even smart, victims, boastful, anarchist, intolerant of rules, comme Dianti. Selfishness and generosity are facing and so transforming and consistency, contempt for the institutions and feelings of patriotism.
Berlusconi has the undoubted ability and perverse that it evoked the worst instincts of the country. The latent defects have emerged on the surface and have polluted the entire national society driven back into the bottom of our best part.
has been set in motion a genuine process of mass miseducation that has lasted for thirty years using the Modern communication technologies and defacing the thinking of individuals and institutions function.
Scandal "bunga bunga" is just yet another confirmation of this education on the reverse. Therefore it has nothing surprising to me.
Since he started his real estate business with money of mysterious origin, as with the support of Craxi built his television empire by ignoring the repeated rulings of the Constitutional Court, as the party-organized company on the ashes of the First Republic worn Corruption became the system of government.
In turn, those ashes, the Berlusconi regime has become the system or if you prefer: a power that had promised to modernize the country, less bureaucracy, the market operate freely, reduce the tax burden equitably, sbaraccare the confraternities and reestablish the state.
The program was ambitious but it was implemented in a small part in the eight years of right-wing government which in fact it must add the two last Prodi government in which the weight of the opposition in the country was overwhelming.
But not only the program was in fact a dead letter, the worst happened. It happened that the program was contradicted. The system-system modernization has been anything but a liberal, anything but a coherent vision of the common good.
For ten years, the institution "government" has pursued The sole purpose of defending the person of Berlusconi by the measures of justice for the many crimes committed by him and his companies before and during his entry into politics. Meanwhile, the institution "Parliament" has been subservient to the executive and the judiciary is daily bombarded with insults, threats and pressures that have also cut down on the Constitutional Court, the CSM, the Authority and the Head of State guarantee.
the "boss" and his vassals have tried and are trying to build up a material which is anchored on the premise that the chief derives his authority from the people's vote and is therefore over-ordered with respect to any power to control and assurance. This
ha avuto il sostegno di quell'Italia che la diseducazione di massa aveva privato d'ogni discernimento critico e che vedeva nel Capo l'esempio da imitare e sostenere.
Il cortocircuito che questa situazione ha determinato nel carattere di una certa Italia ha fatto sì che Berlusconi esibisca i propri vizi, la propria ricchezza, la sistematica violazione delle regole istituzionali e perfino del buongusto e della buona educazione come altrettanti pregi.
Non passa giorno che non si vanti di quei comportamenti, di quella ricchezza, del numero delle sue ville, del suo amore per le donne giovani e belle, dei festini che organizza "per rilassarsi", degli insulti e delle minacce che lancia a chi non inalbera la sua bandiera. E non c'è giorno in cui quell'Italia da lui evocata e imposta non lo ricopra di applausi e non gli rinnovi la sua fiducia. Leggi tutto ( da )


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