Monday, February 28, 2011

Hit During Accident Numb


Saturday evening, Monsieur and I we were at a Chinese restaurant (as I like it!) We took some funny pictures with my necklace and some other photos out braving the cold *. Pending the arrival of spring, I begin to spratichirmi with the colors and I must admit I did not mind at all:)

Last Saturday I Went To Monsieur and the Chinese restaurant (I love it!) We Took Some funny pics with my necklace and Some Others facing the freezing cold outside *. Waiting for spring, I'm starting to use bold color and I have to say that i really like it:)

* I also wore my down jacket of the great cold!
* The Warmest dawn Also Wore my jacket!

I was wearing: MOTIVI Coat and Shoes, ZARA Cardigan and Treggings, Poloneck (can't remember the brand...however very old), CARPISA Bag, ASOS Spike Ring ( HERE ) and Cross Ring ( HERE in silver), H&M Stack Rings, BERSHKA Heart Ring, LES JUMELLES Necklace ( HERE )

Why Bradycardia Is Present Typhoid Fever

Di canzone in canzone - 12° appuntamento

Le settimane passano e siamo già arrivati a fine Febbraio...21 giorni e sarà primavera!....
Mamma mia come corre il tempo...
Federico ha già 6 mesi...metà anno....ricordo come fosse ieri la sensazione di sentirlo scalciare dentro di me...e invece è qui...un ometto ormai!!

Beh, passiamo oltre altrimenti non smetto più di pensarci...
Siamo arrivati all'appuntamento settimanale con

Questa settimana saliamo a bordo di una barchetta con un capitano un po' strano....
Here is the text:

And the sound ....

great week everyone!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Volunteer Hour Letter


These days the temperatures have dropped dramatically *!
My nose is always red (and cola ...) and my hands cramped ... but how will the European North to always be so perfect even in the snow? Monsieur says that the secret of our "freezing" is humidity ... the fact is that in these days to leave the house seems like a Totò Peppino and a trip to Milan: DD

These Days * are really freezing!
My nose is always red and my hand cramped ... I wonder how the north-european girls always manage to be perfect under the snow! Monsieur says the secret of our "freeze" is in the humidity...however I'm going out with layers and layers of warm clothes.

*ieri mattina è calato anche un po' di nevischio
*yesterday morning it sleeted

L'altra sera ho riesumato questo vecchio maglione a trecce, le calzamaglie e il piumino e sono andata a testare una nuova pasticceria (ah la dieta!): ho mangiato una cheesecake meravigliosa, a pensarci ho ancora l'acquolina in bocca! Se siete di queste parti e vi trovate sulla riviera di Chiaia, fate un salto da Sal De Riso a piazza San Pasquale, vi piacerà ;)

Some days ago I wore this old cable-knit sweater, wool tights and a down jacket and went to try a new cake shop (oh diet!): I ate an amazing cheesecake! If you're coming here, don't forget to go to Sal De Riso , you'll like it ;)
I was wearing: GAS Coat, ALCOTT Sweater, BERSHKA Skirt (new collection), CALZEDONIA Tights, 
NEW LOOK Shoes, RIVER ISLAND Bag ( HERE in beige), GROUNDS Belt, Scarf handmade by me

PS: I decided to add some more description dell'outfit indication, indicating the new collection of pieces that can be found in store and link if you can find online, I hope you are useful!

PS: I Decided to give you some more about my outfit Indication, Saying if an item Belongs to the new collection (so you can find it in stores) and giving the link if you can find it on line, hope These will be useful!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Who Has Small Boobs In Bollywood


Francesca I like because she is good and has talent!
Create your clothes and get going right from vintage fabrics and details are all tracked down to markets. No dress alike (they are unique!) And each one is hand-sewn.
His collection consists of 10 retro-looking heads and will be on sale this Monday. In the meantime, here's a preview (you can find more photos HERE ):

I like Francesca Because She's good and talented!
She Creates Directly on her clothes and fabrics are all the details Finds vintage. Each item is unique and hand-stitched.
Her spring collection is made up of 10 retro-looking dresses and will be sell on Monday. In the meantime, here's the preview (you can find other pics HERE ):

(clothes being created / tea making up )

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cut And Color Prices At Jcpenney


(read the part 1 HERE - read the part 2 HERE )

What I like: the warm colors combined with black, nu-hippie style, the large cross, the fringes
What I like: warm colors mixed with black, the nu- hippie style, the big cross, the fringes

What I like: the beige safari, the plots on clothes and accessories
What I like: the beige safari, the weavings on clothes and accessories

What I like: the sporty-chic mood, the tee tee, the overlaps, shoes (♥)
What I like: the sporty-chic mood, the sweatshirt, the layerings, the shoes (♥)

What I like: the full skirt, matched the bright yellow to gray, the belt-bow
What I like: the full skirt, matched with the bright yellow gray, the belt

What I like: the total look broken neutral color
What I like: the total neutral look with a touch of color

What I like: la camicia bianca che spunta, le sovrapposizioni, il mood rilassato
What I like: the white shirt, the layerings, the relaxed mood

What I like: la giacca western (ma bianca!) abbinata alla gonna bon ton, le stringate
What I like: the western jacket (in white!) matched with the bon ton skirt, the lace-up shoes

What I like: la giacca con le borchie a ditale (♥), i jeans anni '80, gli accessori dorati
What I like: the studded jacket (♥), the 80's jeans, the golden accessories

What I like: i limoni (!!), il giallo vitaminico, le perle sul maglione
What I like: the lemons (!!), the vitaminic yellow, the pearls on the sweater


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Milena Velba Bowling With


Post velocissimo!!
Mi piacciono queste giornate soleggiate (ma che freddo ancora!), peccato che non sia ancora as fit as I would ... urge a rejuvenating week-end, now!

Very quick post!
I really Like These sunny days (but still Freezy) But what a pity, I still got the cold ... I need to reinvigorating the weekend, now!

PS: take pictures with a candy in your mouth is not a winning idea, remember: P
PS: remember, taking a pic eating a candy isn't a great idea: P

I was wearing: Bershka Coat, Sweater CHAMOMILE, second hand Skirt, Accessorize Bag
MOTIVI Boots, AVON Tights, no brand Scarf

*myoma Pathophysiology*

giochi di un tempo che ancora attuali!!!

Beta Some time ago he published a post to show us what he had found in his basement ...
"And you ...
you still have a few games from your childhood that you have retained or passed on to your children?
The you know? "I'd be curious to see them ... curious
come on, open the trunks and sharing your treasures! "

I take this opportunity to flight (although a bit 'late) to show the games of a time that was ....

In my family we have always tried to keep everything in good condition so that it can pass from generation to generation ...

There would be stories to tell and show you ...
To begin with Fred for the first months sleeping in a wicker cradle (covered earnings) passed from the hands of my grandmother and my mom came up to me (eh .. I had already stayed too I in my time!)

Purtroppo l'unica foto che avevo è questa e non si vede bene...

Mio fratello ha dormito per mesi nel lettino che in origine era di mia purtroppo Federico non ne ha potuto usufruire...dopo ben 52 anni ci ha abbandonato..
(Abbiamo rimediato utilizzando il lettino di mio marito, custodito dai suoceri nel solaio per anni...fino ad ora!)

Oltre a qualche vestito di mio fratello che mia mamma ha custodito gelosamente per 13 anni, Federico ha molte cose di vecchia data...
Alcune sono passate dalle mani di mia sorella, poi mie, di mio fratello, di mia nipote ed infine sono arrivate a lui... 
Tra queste c'è questo bellissimo cavallo a dondolo...

La raccolta dei libri degli gnomi....
(Quando ero piccola, me la sono letta tutta!! E non vi nascondo che 
sometimes I like to flick through ...)

Finally there is this elephant that I was very fond of ...
I remember that I never wanted to throw him, but I always kept
in my room waiting to pass into the hands of my children ...
I had a picture of me as a child with this plush ... but when you serve una cosa non la trovi mai...( appena la trovo, ve la mostro, promesso )

E' sempre bello poter vedere in mano ai nostri figli i giochi che hanno riempito le nostra infanzia...
Io ho ricordi bellissimi legati a questi ne ho altrettanti legati a giochi passati a miglior vita....

Beh....dopo una parentesi nel passato ancora attuale vi auguro una buona giornata...


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Legend Of The Galactic Heroes Order

L'opinione :"Ipocriti e cumenda"

From time immemorial there is indignant with the dictators in public and does business in private. Sometimes there is indignant neppure: si rimane zitti. Un silenzio interrotto solo dal fruscio dei soldi. Mai visto un politico o un imprenditore andare in Cina inalberando cartelli per il rispetto dei diritti civili. Si diventa esportatori della democrazia solo quando conviene, come in Iraq o in Afghanistan. Però esiste un limite che gli statisti cercano di non valicare ed è il rispetto di sé e del Paese che si rappresenta. Quel senso del decoro e delle istituzioni che ti impone di stringere la mano a Gheddafi, ma ti impedisce di baciargliela. Che ti costringe a riceverlo con tutti gli onori, ma non ti obbliga a trasformare la sua visita in una pagliacciata invereconda, con il dittatore a vita che tiene lezioni di democrazia all’università e pianta la sua tenda beduina in a historical park in the capital in order to receive a delegation of girls in chartered.

Berlusconi did not merely applied to international relations techniques of flattery with which the old Lombard cumenda intortare stunned by the customer. Willing to do anything to please him, considering the dignity is not an accessory as an obstacle to concluding a deal. Some readers will think the cumenda of State is not only hypocritical of others. Very true. But I doubt that is coming to the ancient hypocrisy "bourgeois", against which a boy threw me too, it was preferable to the current sguaiataggine.di Massimo Gramellini

Halloween Screensavers 2010

Sal febbraio

In a flash even in February draws to a close ...
And here I am to show what I made for

This month I have given to recycling: it is a object ( in recent months in my house it multiplies very eyes) embellished and revised to accommodate x & y ...
Non voglio rovinare la sorpresa a Federica , perciò lo scoprirete solo a fine anno...

Nel frattempo potete solo immaginare di cosa si tratti...
A presto