Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cover Wood Raid Fogger

The answer arrives on time ...

In the town of Chieri (Turin), the Minister of Education Joseph Pellegrino during a city council made a statement puzzling: "Out of people with disabilities from school " the story, described in detail by journalist for La Stampa, Federico Genta you can read QUI

La risposta all'assessore arriva dal " Gruppo mamme H " ed รจ riportata di seguito:


I nviata con r/r

All' Assessore all'Istruzione: Giuseppe Pellegrino, comune di Chieri , per conoscenza al Sindaco di Chieri e ai media.

Non troviamo le parole adatte per esprimere l'amarezza e la delusione che ci ha pervaso nel leggere l'articolo pubblicato dal quotidiano La Stampa che riportava quanto da Lei dichiarato in una assemblea del suo Consiglio Comunale: < fuori i disabili schools .>
At first we thought it was a provocation to bring the institutions that she is now raising the issue improcrastinabile integration and education of children with disabilities, which in recent years has made dramatic . But alas
read the whole article we realized that this was only his thoughts.
Councillor would like to explain that diversity is a fundamental value for a company that includes, but sometimes, as in this case, the diversity has been described as a curse, which hurts everyone who is in contact.
What's missing people, is the training, knowledge, the culture of diversity, especially in the institutions you represent.
The school shows the way of starting to learn to live in a diverse, accepting and respecting the rules, the opinions of others, and even more important to consider the different color of skin, religion and physical and mental state, as an opportunity growth.
His tenure institutions, would allow this, instead of embarrassing the Government to which it belongs, and disdain for people who have always believed in equality and respect for life!
She has been shown to protect the rights of "all", and it is unacceptable that a department should take so considerable, having expressed opinions of extreme intolerance and bigotry, which even his denial during a press conference on September 25 has cleared giving a sign of incompetence and inability to play its role, does not know the law 104/92, law 67 / 06, The UN Convention? And that is why we are asking the public
We would like to remind you that there is a disability of the soul, heart, and thought she was Deputy Mayor in this severely disabled, and those are not the reasons why we ask for his resignation!


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