Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Testicles Hurts When I Sit

Ricchi e anziani, una torta molto ghiotta

Mister Feikema at age 90 he lost his wife. He is blind and needs someone to take care of him and his interests. He decides to join the group Elder Service, which deals with the clientele of wealthy local bank Wells Fargo. In Minnesota, the United States. Mister Feikema, so has someone who handles his business and he can live in peace. It 'an example of what will happen more often in the future, reminds us The Economist: "In January 2006 the first of 77 million American baby boomers has turned 60. Many of them remain widowed (or, more often widows) and will need someone who take care of them and their savings. " It is estimated that worldwide over 55 possess about 70% of the total wealth. A beautiful cake. So here we are throwing local banks such as Wells Fargo in Minnesota, and Citigroup, the largest banking group in the world. Even in America many banks now offer dumb "down", ie loans secured on the possession of the house. When the owner dies, the heirs have to sell and repay the loan. Although not always, probably, I'm happy. In Italy the market is much less wild, and do not think anyone would commit the most comfortable place to live the last years of his life at the expense of their heirs. But the "elders" have a significant economic power (if only for the number, which in Italy is higher than elsewhere) is a fact. More and more services for the elderly will be a business on which to run. The same "old", yet the Economist tells us, are hired by certain companies and banks to deal with this special clientele.


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