Sunday, April 22, 2007

Helwan Egypt Grand Hotel

retire tardi? "No, suicidatevi direttamente"

Mentre in Italia scattano i soliti riflessi condizionati (per cui se si dice "donne in pensione più tardi" , subito i sindacati "alzano gli scudi" e il ministro del lavoro smentisce), ma per fortuna c'è anche qualche ministro donna, come Linda Lanzillotta, che dice "parliamone" (intervista sulla Stampa di oggi), in America esce un pamphlet, "Boomsday", che, provocatoriamente, suggerisce all' esercito di baby boomers pensionati, di suicidarsi. In effetti, nel mondo sta arrivando uno tsunami, che travolgerà in modo diverso paesi occidentali e paesi del terzo world: it is called longevity, but it is also called an avalanche of elderly persons living "behind" the few young people. Maybe it will be more devastating climate change.
"Corriere della Sera today Massimo Gaggi summarizes the plot of this book written by Christopher Buckley (author already Thank you for smoking) in 2010, facing the army of former baby boomers retiring, forcing the government to continually raise taxes on the work of young people, the revolt broke out. The young rebel and attack the villages and homes of the elderly. Until a young blogger, as a joke over 70 offers to commit suicide. It is taken seriously by a cynical senator from Massachusetts ... The issue in America is warm the hearts and the charts of the books.
We, meanwhile, wearily we wonder if by chance a woman of 60 years could not start, perhaps deliberately, as proposed by Linda Lanzillotta, Minister for Regional Affairs, to delay the exit from the work of a few more years.
But Italy is already closer than others to "boomsday" because we are already the country with the highest average age of the world! Says Robert Samuelson, quoted at the end of the article on Corriere: "We are committing a crime and economic policy towards our children and perhaps - s and young people reject the role of designated victims - even to ourselves."


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