Thursday, June 14, 2007

What Good Side Dishes With Venison

Grey bloc, fight for the part-time (it also says Prodi)

Giovani e part-time, se ne parla sempre di più. Ma non sono i giovani che ne hanno bisogno, sono alcuni anziani, che a 60 anni non vogliono diventare pensionati, ma non possono neanche più produrre agli stessi ritmi di prima. La proposta di Prodi andrebbe presa al volo: «Bisogna lasciare maggiore libertà nella scelta to retire, but above all necessary that those who decide to remain at work can do graduating commitment: working part time, a few hours a day, but even a few days a week. " The Prime Minister, Romano Prodi, wrote the preface to "2007 National Report on the Status and the thought of older people," promoted by ANCI Federsanità and Ageing Society and presented today at the Luiss .. "This, among other things - added Prodi - would help to manage without the frustration out of working life." On the other hand, if the elderly will be one third of the company in 2050, as it is possible that at that age are all retired? In Italy on 1 January 2006 over 65 were 11,615,702. According to forecasts, by 2020 the elderly will be more than two million more in 2030 and reaching almost 16 million: for each "grand old man" (85 years and over) the ratio will increase from 1 in 50 people every 20 to 1. In addition, the Italian population in 2050 will be composed of 33.6% from over sixty-five and 12.7% of young people under 14 years. In old age - the report points out - the poverty is still a considerable problem: it was estimated that the cost of health resulting in an increase of about 10% of the actual poor. And it is worrying - points out the Centre for senior citizens - that about 15% of Italian families with an elderly person has indicated did not have enough money for medical expenses and that a family of three is not able to support unforeseen expenses. Within a decade (1996-2006) there was an increase of health costs borne by the families of nearly 35%. It is clear - the report concludes - that this is a situation difficult to sustain for vulnerable population groups, especially the elderly, since the purchasing power of pensions has been significantly reduced in recent years. Then force "gray bloc, fight for your part-time.


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