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L'opinione:Vicolo cieco in Medio Oriente di Noam Chomsky

While it is committed to expand illegal Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory, the Israeli government also seeks to address two problems: a campaign of international opinion that Israel considers a "discredit" - that is, criticizing his crimes - and a 'Other Campaign parallel legitimacy of Palestine.

The "discredit" has taken a step forward in December, quando Human rights watch ha invitato Washington a “ridurre i finanziamenti a Israele per una cifra corrispondente al costo del sostegno israeliano agli insediamenti”.

L’organizzazione ha chiesto anche di controllare quali contributi esentasse versati da gruppi sta tunitensi a Israele finanzino violazioni del diritto internazionale. Anche il processo di legittimazione ha compiuto un passo in avanti a dicembre, quando Argentina, Bolivia e Brasile hanno riconosciuto lo Stato di Palestina (Gaza e Cisgiordania), portando a più di cento il numero delle nazioni che lo sostengono.

Secondo il giurista internazionalista John Whitbeck, l’80-90 percent of the world population lives in countries that recognize Palestine, while only 10-20 percent live in states that recognize Kosovo. But because the U.S. recognizes Kosovo and Palestine, the media around the world deal with two realities in a totally different way.

Given the scale of Israeli settlements in the West Bank over the last ten years, says that an international agreement based on a two-state solution is impossible (even if most of the world thinks otherwise). So who cares about the rights of the Palestinians should hope that Israel occupies the West Bank and then an anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa face type to get full citizenship the Arab population.

This argument assumes that Israel would like the annexation. Instead it is more likely that Israel wants to incorporate a good half of the West Bank, without assuming responsibility for the rest.

So solve the "demographic problem" - too many non-Jews in the Jewish state - and in the meantime, cut out of the besieged Gaza from the rest of Palestine. But the analogy between Israel and South Africa is interesting. Once created apartheid, white South African nationalists realized that they were becoming a pariah state by the international community.

In 1958, the foreign minister informed the U.S. ambassador to the UN condemnation would not matter as long as South Africa had had the support of the United States.

During the seventies, the UN imposed an arms embargo, followed by boycotts and divestment campaigns. South Africa reacted with the specific intent to anger international public opinion, with bloody military raids in refugee camps in neighboring countries. The similarities with Israel's behavior today is impressive. Just think of the attack in Gaza in January 2009 and the freedom flotilla to Gaza in May 2010.

When Ronald Reagan became president in 1981 and assured full support to apartheid South Africa. And in 1988 the African National Congress of Nelson Mandela was called by Washington "one of the most notorious terrorist groups."

Shortly after, however, U.S. policy changed. The United States and South Africa realized that their financial interests would be advantaged by the end of apartheid. And so the system quickly collapsed. South Africa is not the only recent case in which the end of U.S. support a crime has led to significant progress.

A change may also occur in the case of Israel? Among the obstacles più consistenti ci sono gli stretti legami militari e di intelligence tra gli Stati Uniti e Israele. Il più esplicito sostegno ai crimini israeliani viene infatti dal mondo degli affari. L’industria high-tech statunitense è connessa con la sua controparte israeliana e in questo campo la collaborazione è strettissima.

Inoltre in ballo ci sono fattori culturali importanti. Il sionismo cristiano precede di molto quello ebraico, e non è limitato a quel 30 per cento di americani che crede nella verità letterale della Bibbia. Esprimendo un punto di vista già allora diffuso nell’élite statunitense, Harold Ickes, segretario agli interni di Franklin Delano Roosevelt, descrisse la colonizzazione ebraica of Palestine as a goal "unprecedented in the history of the human race."

There is also an instinctive solidarity of the United States to a society founded on settlements, viewed as a replica of American history from a perspective of imperialism.

Per uscire dall’impasse è necessario abbattere l’illusione per cui gli Stati Uniti sono un “onesto intermediario” che cerca di riconciliare tra loro avversari recalcitranti, e admit that real negotiations should be conducted with Israel and the United States on one side and the rest of the world on the other. If the centers of power in the U.S. citizens will be forced to recognize the Palestine much hope that today seem remote may become feasible. (Trad.A.Sparcino from


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